frequently asked questions

How much is shipping?

We ship all our orders with An Post.

Shipping starts at €2.95 for Ireland, it is calculated by weight by checkout. We have both tracked and standard options available. Hoodies, crewnecks and t-shirts will automatically be shipped with tracked shipping within Ireland which is €5.95.

You can track your order at using the tracking number emailed to you after disptach.

We cannot accept responsibility for issues with untracked orders, please keep this in mind when selecting your shipping option.

International shipping varies and is calculated at checkout.

How long does shipping take?

Within Ireland, we expect your package to be with you within 2-3 days after receiving your dispatch email, however please allow up to 10 days.

In the UK, please allow up to two weeks. In the EU, please allow up to three weeks. All other countries please allow up to a month.

There are delays at the moment with all postal services so please be patient!

What is your returns policy?

If something you bought doesn’t suit, returns are no problem at all. Pop us an email at and we will set one up for you. As we are a small business, we do not currently facilitate exchanges or cover returns costs.

Do we ship internationally?

Yes! We ship to all of Europe, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Singapore. Pop us a message if you live elsewhere and we will do all we can to sort you out.

When will the product I’m looking for be restocked?

We try to restock everything as often as possible. You can sign up to be emailed when the product is restocked on the product‘s page, or follow our Instagram for updates and reminders as to when products will be restocked.

Do we do custom pieces?

We do not currently have custom orders available on the site. However, if you have a business or freelance design work inquiry you can pop an email to !

What are our sustainability practices?

All our totes and apparel are screenprinted with sustainable inks in Dublin. All our digitally printed goods are printed in Ireland, using recycled paper where possible. Our packaging is 100% recyclable or compostable and always plastic free.

Do you sell wholesale?

Yes, pop us an email

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